Get Involved
Throw away your trash
Clean up after others
Don't Litter
Clean up your line
Didymo Algae (Rock Snot)
Didymo has been found in the Youghiogheny River please take precautions not to spread this. Take the time to clean all your gear with bleach using warm water.
Acid Mine Drainage
Acid mine drainage is still a major problem in our rivers and streams. There are a lot of organizations that have helped to improve the streams and rivers in our area. Here are a few links to find information about acid mine drainage.
Hydraulic Fracturing
It is not completely understood what the effects on the environment that Hydraulic Fracturing is having. We can be sure that it is and will continue to effect the rivers here in P.A.
Human Littering
In this photo is a nice smallie but a closer look you can see the human impact along the banks. Fisherman can help by cleaning fishing line and other garbage up while you are fishing.
Aquatic Invasive Species
In addition to the banned species below, some of the least-wanted AIS in Pennsylvania are: European ruffe, sea lamprey, hydrilla, spiny water flea, purple loosestrife, Eurasian watermilfoil, Asian clam, and red-eared slider (turtle). In 2004, northern snakehead (ID poster) were first found in Pennsylvaniawaters.